For some, participating in sports is the highlight of their day. The stressors of school or a career can quickly be put at bay when an athlete steps on the field, court, road, pool or into the gym. But what do you do if you think you have an injury? Hardcore athletes tend to discount the pain thinking, “I’m fine, this is temporary.” But, when the pain persists, it’s time to act.
“With any suspected injury, we encourage everyone to stop what you’re doing, whether you’re part of a team or not,” says Dr. Jason Hix, M.D., Sports Medicine Physician at OSMC. “Pull yourself out of the game, practice, workout, or whatever activity you’re doing. Take a moment to assess your injury. Talk to your team athletic trainer if there’s one available. Is it an acute injury like a sprain or fracture? Have you overdone it, perhaps causing tendonitis or a stress fracture? Overuse injuries are common in runners and racket sport athletes.”
Types of Injuries
- Head and neck injuries common in full-contact sports or caused by falling (gymnastics, horseback riding, etc.)
- Concussions or hematomas from a blunt hit to the head (football, soccer, etc.)
- Back injuries, spasms (track & field events, basketball, etc.)
- Repetitive use injuries, such as shoulder rotator cuff problems (swimming, tennis, etc.)
- Trauma to your feet, ankles, hand, fingers, or wrist (baseball, any sport!)
When Should I Call My Doctor?
- When your pain is severe
- When the injured area is swollen and doesn’t respond to ice or heat therapy
When you’re limping, not able to tolerate full weight
- When you can’t move the injured area
- When your pain is not getting better with rest or it gets worse.
- When you suspect a concussion
When Can I Resume My Activities?
You’ve done your due diligence, but now you want to know when you can get back at your sport. Dr. Hix notes, “Your return to activity is determined by your diagnosis. If there’s minimal risk to further injury, you may be able to return to your activity immediately, even if you need a brace, splint or cast. Yet, some injuries require rest, therapy or even surgery before it’s safe to return to your sport. Your healthcare provider will guide you through the decision regarding when to return the normal activities”
If you’ve had an injury and think you may need orthopedic care, the professional medical team at OSMC is here to help you. Visit our OrthoCARE Walk-In Clinics in Granger or Elkhart or make an appointment at the OSMC location nearest to you. You have a choice in orthopedic care and there’s no referral needed!
Call us at: 574-264-0791.
This blog post is not intended to provide personal medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment to you or to any other individual. It is information for educational purposes only. You should not use this information in place of a consultation or the advice of a healthcare provider.