Our hands play an essential role in nearly everything we do, yet we often take them for granted until they ache or hurt. One of the most common hand conditions that our specialists at OSMC encounter is carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition occurs when the narrow tunnel formed by the bones and tissues in your wrist becomes swollen or inflamed, putting pressure on the median nerve. The median nerve controls movement and sensation in your thumb and the first three fingers, so it can lead to various uncomfortable symptoms when it’s compressed.
Carpal tunnel syndrome develops gradually and can worsen over time if not addressed. Many people first notice a tingling or numb sensation in their fingers or hand, which can extend up the wrist and into the arm. Pain in the wrist and hand is also joint, as is weakness in the thumb, making it difficult to grip objects securely.

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is more frequently diagnosed in women and is often associated with several risk factors. These include wrist injuries like fractures or dislocations, medical conditions such as diabetes that can damage nerves, and inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.
Obesity, hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause, and occupations or activities that involve repetitive wrist movements or the use of vibrating tools can also increase the likelihood of developing carpal tunnel syndrome.
As Dr. J. Mark Schramm, a hand specialist at OSMC, explains, “People at risk for carpal tunnel include those who have jobs that require pinching or gripping with the wrist held bent, such as using computers or tools. Even activities like gardening, golfing, or canoeing can trigger symptoms.”
How Can I Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Preventing carpal tunnel syndrome involves minimizing the strain on your wrists and hands. This can be achieved by reducing the pressure you place on tools and devices, ensuring proper ergonomic positioning while working, and taking regular breaks from repetitive tasks. Adjusting your workstation, such as setting your chair height so your forearms are level with your keyboard, can help prevent unnecessary strain on your wrists. Additionally, it’s important to avoid resting your wrists on hard surfaces for extended periods and to alternate hands during tasks whenever possible.
How is Carpal Tunnel Treated and Diagnosed?
If you are experiencing symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, it’s important to seek evaluation from an orthopedic hand specialist. The diagnosis may involve reviewing your medical history, performing a physical examination, and possibly conducting X-rays, electromyography, or nerve conduction studies to pinpoint the cause of your symptoms.
Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome often begins with non-surgical options. This might include activity modification to reduce strain, using ice packs, wearing wrist splints, and taking anti-inflammatory medications. Steroid injections can also provide relief for some patients. Hand therapy led by a trained physical therapist may benefit those with more advanced symptoms. In cases where conservative treatments are ineffective, surgery can relieve the pressure on the median nerve and alleviate symptoms.
Dr. Schramm emphasizes the importance of addressing carpal tunnel syndrome early: “Carpal tunnel syndrome can be a painful and bothersome condition, and we encourage patients experiencing symptoms to come in and talk to us about it. Many patients think it’s a normal part of the aging process and don’t realize there are ways we can alleviate symptoms with or without surgical intervention. We can help you choose the best treatment for your needs.”
Get Help for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome at OSMC
If you are struggling with carpal tunnel syndrome or other hand or wrist issues, the specialists at OSMC are here to help. You don’t need a referral from another doctor to schedule an appointment with us. You can easily book an appointment online or by calling (574) 319-9697. Don’t let carpal tunnel syndrome keep you from enjoying life—get the expert care you need today.